Lillian Heigle Ridlen - When Evening Falls

2014-11-07 5

Late evening falls, I hear the sound
Of church chimes belting out lovely peaceful tunes
As the garden flowers open and sigh in relief
Gone the sweltering heat of noon A robin lands upon the evergreens
Chirping sweet song to its mate it seems
As evening shadows fall upon the land
Waiting for appearance of the moon Soon stars will fill the sky, signaling end of day
Big and little dipper span the milky way
Young loves stroll the sidewalk, hand and hand
Whispering sweet secrets while they can Time temporarily suspended, as children gather to their homes
While kitchen scents pour forth in tempting flavor of feast to come
Their paces quicken to a run as mother calls
She hears the cheerful laughter, as they enter through the hall Suddenly the bustling rush of movement comes to quiet repose
While later water gushes from garden hose
As trees and flowers drink to fill their thirst
Yet tomorrow upon the lands, new blooms of every color burst

Lillian Heigle Ridlen