Florence Weber Mann - Weary Pilgrim

2014-11-07 1

I hold her feverish body close to me
To keep this nearness bright, to calm her fear.
From earthly trials He soon will set her free.
Like eternity these last days seem to be,
And I'm her first-born, know the time is near.
I hold her feverish body close to me.
My weary pilgrim knows that only He
Can take her cloak of sorrow, dry her tear.
From earthly trials He soon will set her free.
Into green pastures she will softly flee
And walk beside still waters deep and clear.
I hold her feverish body close to me.
She will take the Shepperd's hand, go peacefully
Into that valley when her time is here.
From earthly trials He soon will set her free.
My beloved will awake from sleep to see
The way unfold, the guiding light appear.
I hold her feverish body close to me,
From earthty trials He soon will set her free.

Florence Weber Mann
