Edna Smith - Jesus Said

2014-11-07 7

A young man sought the answer
for how to better live.
Jesus knew the circumstance
and told the fellow, "Give."
The road was hot and dusty,
despair was at the brink,
He talked of living water
and bid the lady, "Drink".

A weary crowd had gathered
His words stirred deeply some,
He stretched forth hands of pity
and invited them to "Come."
A storm became quite violent,
the ship with water filled,
the master calmed the water
by saying, "peace be still."

He taught the Scribes and Pharisees
and made the message clear,
then beckoned to the multitudes
to "Understand and hear."
He sometimes came to Galilee
and walked beside the sea,
and often told His followers
"Repent ye and believe."

He went into a certain house,
tears were in all their eyes,
He understood their sorrow
and bid the maiden "Rise."
The twelve had gathered round Him
for many seemed to seek,
and once again He told them,
to "Listen, go, and speak..."

His heart was very heavy
when he prayed about His cross,
Close by were His disciples
He bid them all to "Watch."
Still some are truly sore perplexed
and when they stop and wonder
they hear, "O ye of little faith,
do ye not still remember?"

All signs now point us onward
unto that glorious day
when Christ in clouds returning
will take His church away
to reign with Him forever,
All who praise Him and obey,
with the loved ones who are faithful,
until then we "Watch and pray."

Edna Smith
