Dianna Pryor Simpson - Redeemed

2014-11-07 7

Called by many The Path of Tears so very far away
Where paved with stones Jesus walked on that fateful day
Upon His back bent with pain and His face so grim
He bore a cross which was hewn from the mighty dogwood limbs People lined The Path of Tears standing on either side
Along with His precious mother, in anguish as she cried
He was so pure and holy that as he walked on by them
A woman ill was quickly healed who barely brushed His hem Yes forward up The Path of Tears to Calvary's hill he trudged
Where he was brutally crucified and then He died for us
The third day He gloriously arose and soon thereafter ascended
To join His Heavenly Father whose love was always unending Today the dogwood tree once mighty, now is delicate and jumble
With flowers of the purest white and limbs that are so fragile
Redeemed by God's Amazing Grace, to never be another cross
Instead it blossoms every spring, His Resurrection to rejoice Also redeemed The Path of Tears is today walked on in pride
By people following His footsteps and rejoicing "Jesus Is Alive"
"Alleluiah", "Alleluiah", "Praises high we sing to Jehovah"
"He is risen", "He is risen", "Alleluiah", "Alleluiah."

Dianna Pryor Simpson


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