Dorothy Irene Hillyer - Weeping Willow

2014-11-07 3

With a far away thoughtful glance,
I see before me a carpet of fine greenery.
I ponder and gaze in the quiet sunlight,
and see a mural of splendid finery.
Than I am strangely entranced,
longing for lasting beauty.
Wonderment so far reaching and everywhere,
if only I can make my eyes see.
A lovely bit of nature
to renew my troubled soul.
As alone my sad misfortunes
are blow upon blow.
They carry me deep into a crevasse
beyond my simple needs.
A chilling sorrow suddenly touches my mind,
to burrow and plant permanent seeds.
Despair one hundred fold,
less one small willow tree.
Hidden in arms of soft leaves
they enfold and nurture me.
I will heal my daunted spirit,
and feel serenity and peace a part of me.
I gaze again at the strong tree, the willow,
slightly triumphant and feel free.

Dorothy Irene Hillyer