David P. Madge - Rider On the Winds of Time

2014-11-07 6

I haven't been young since an age of man,
When the songs of elves were heard in the land.
I heard the last dragon's final lament,
And was there when Rome's first legions were sent.
I remember the horse and the sacking of Troy,
I looked on as Goliath lay dead by a boy.
I sat with a crowd as they watched and heard,
A young man, the Great Teacher and hung on each word.

I saw Viking Long ships from over the sea,
And wept laying Arthur at old Glastonbury.
At Hastings England's King felled by an arrow,
Under Normandy rule I witnessed their sorrow.
I ate the apple that fell from the tree,
When Newton and I discussed gravity.
I taught John Dee all he ever knew,
And I was with Columbus as one of his crew.

I sat on the fence in the French Revolution,
The industrial age and mans evolution.
I fought in world wars the folly of man,
I preached peace at Woodstock then bombed Vietnam.
I was stood in Berlin when they cast down the wall,
I am the Dark Poet and the watcher of all.
Condemned ne'er to rest for whatever my crime,
A wanderer, a writer throughout all of time.

David P. Madge


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