Delores V. Bogle - They Never Stopped To Ask

2014-11-07 2

In a beautiful world like ours.
Some never stopped to listened.
To people like you and me
Never see the children eyes glistened.
Full with fear what's in the future for me
The birds the bees are fun to watched in the bee

They're for to watched so marvelous.
In a beautiful world like ours
They are dutifull among the flowers
But that just not enough for me
I wished to study and learned history
Learn more about biology the birds in the tree

Write story on there behavior in the field
In this beautiful world of ours
There's a wild, wild world of these.
The birds and bees roam the field
They never stopped to basked just do these tasked
In these community with unity peaceful in the tree.

Delores V. Bogle