AIDS is the disease we now face
Since it's affecting the human race
Whether your color is white or black
Don't be misled, AIDS is a fact
Have the test done for HIV
Or rather not me!
It's better to have the HIV Test
So your mind can be at rest
This disease is not for the good or bad
It just kills you and that's so sad
Diagnosed with AIDS is like an outcast
This attitude determines how long you'll last
People are scared to even touch you
And frightened to tie a lace on your shoe
Some would not call you on the phone
But instead leave you all alone
Families and friends do not draw near
This ignorance is because of fear
AIDS patients are dying with broken hearts
Added to the pains of their body parts
They cry...don't remove yourself from me
Because I'm diagnosed with HIV
For really it's a blood borne disease
So please give me a hug and a squeeze
I need to be loved more and more
Come into my room, don't stand at the door
Sit and talk or read me a book
Don't judge me by the way I look
Remember AIDS was not bought at the mall
Even thought it's affecting all
Inspite of AIDS, give them your love
You will be rewarded by God above
Cedil C. Booker