Bret K. Webster - Splendid was the day

2014-11-07 2

A new morning appears, the moment arrives.
Release your imagination on a gifted new horizon. Do not
sell yourself short, take the chance. A new beginning
is at your command.

Brave the tension, stay focused in the moment.
Be content with the present, the sum of your wisdom
will take you into the future.

March with the drummer into the day, lift your
spirits your decision is well placed. Release your emotions,
stay clear in your thoughts. The only thing constant
is change, embrace it with vengeance.

Gently, ever so gently take your steps and draw on the
courage of life. Venture out with confidence in your
being. If you fall short, refocus and begin again.
It is always a new beginning. Believe, prosper and above
all stay true to your dream, for when the day ends
look back and say indeed it was splendid.

Bret K. Webster