Betty Ellerkamp - Alone--With My Thoughts!

2014-11-07 0

I miss you so much tonight!
No matter what I do, I see your face.
I've tried to keep my mind busy,
But you always invade my space. I can't eat, sleep, or even think.
I don't know what I'm doing most of the time.
Music doesn't console me anymore.
It all comes out in country two-time. Where are you when I need you?
It's been so long since you left.
I don't even know the reason for it?
And I can't think nor am I very deft. I just hope you're happy with things as they are.
I'm a survivor, I will forget!
Time heals all wounds. So they say.
Maybe so, but on that. . . I won't take a bet!

Betty Ellerkamp