Barbara Corner Ackroyd - Daytona Beach Bikers

2014-11-07 4

Daytona Beach, A1A.
Harley Thunder is here to stay.
Over the years the numbers have risen,
From 25,000 to 3/4 million.
The custom bikes are of superior design,
With fabulous paintwork, unlike yours or mine. Black and chrome, red blue and white.
Stars and stripes, they ride into the night.
North South East and West,
They journey here because it's the best. Heads held high and helmets atop,
They ride in packs and obey the cops.
Their patriotism shows for all to see,
They are men and women as proud as can be. Beards and bandanas, tee shirts and tops,
Saloons are busy so is I.H.O.P.
They wear their leathers all shiny and black,
Wings and eagle emblems displayed on their backs. Excitement mounts in our fair city,
Just four more days, what a pity.
For ten brief days our highways are theirs,
The motels and campsites are happy to share. These gentle giants with thunderous machines,
Are an occasional diversion from our lives serene.
You stimulate our economy with dollars you spend.
We wish you safe riding and keep up the trend. Your causes are many with charities anew,
You give of your time for sick children too.
So Harley Riders and other riders too,
Come back again, because Daytona Beach loves you. As you leave our city and travel afar,
God bless you all from Daytona Beach shores.

Barbara Corner Ackroyd