Arlyn H. Navis - Shepherd's Chapel

2014-11-07 6

Was Christ born in a stable, or in the cradle of the earth, a cave.
I guess it really doesn't matter, for what matters is the Wondrous Gift God Gave.
His cherished only Begotten Son!
To walk amongst us evil men, salvation has begun! Parables he taught us, to make it easier to believe.
He was here some thirty short years, then God said,
"Son it's time to Leave!"
"I need you for my Holy Work, Your part is finished on the Earth."
We still all search for guidance, rather than trust and obey from birth. There is no way where the Love of God ends!
For we are all God's Children and must pray to make amends.
Thought, Word and Deed, all the avenues of our Sin.
We humbly ask God's Forgiveness and wonder how and where will He begin.

Arlyn H. Navis