Dying to live we take the first sip
Taste not sweet liberty
Freedom between the cup and lip
Revelation accepted and transformed
In rush of thoughts innocence died
Dreams inspired, not conformed
Hope from the dust and love required
Torn curtain will reveal
For eyes that wish to see
For none so blind there will be
When we decline to see
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Dying to live, eyes wide open
Child of woman, man of God
Time will never be the same
Incarnation, from love abounds
Through all the ages
Yet still astounds
Hope from ashes
In certainty lies confounds
Dream engaged, yet unsustained
Footsteps unheard softly tread
The journey home begun
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Dying to live, we drink the dregs
Thirst unquenched we stand
In rivers, dying of thirst
We excuse ourselves
Condemn the other
Father Forgive our
Grant us a new heart
A new vision for…
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Adrian Wait