Libya's Supreme Court declares internationally-recognised parliament illegal

2014-11-06 341

There are further signs of growing division and chaos in Libya where rival groups and seats of government are claiming power.

Libya’s Supreme Court in Tripoli has declared the country’s internationally  recognised parliament as illegal.

The country has two rival governments and parliaments: in Tripoli and in the eastern city of Tobruk.

Outside the Supreme Court, one lawyer said: “This ruling means that what is called the parliament  in Tobruk has become a thing of the past, and decisions no longer have any meaning.”

The ruling comes a day after gunmen raided Libya’s biggest oilfield and shut down production. The West is worried Libya is headed for all-out civil war.

The country is now split in two. A western part, including the capital Tripoli, is controlled by fighters calling themselves Operation Dawn.

The internationally-recognised parliament and government was forced to flee to Tobruk and resume business there.

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