nimal dunuhinga - Adam really loved Eve; But this Adam is a Sadist? (Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.)

2014-11-06 17

I read some epitaphs of the new burial grounds:
'I love my mom & dad and kittens too.'
'My plane goes to heaven? '
'And I paint a moustache on my handsome god's face
because the devil has a tough one.'
'Dad I give my water colour paint box to a poor child
who brings nothing for lunch.'
'Mom do not wash my dirty pants
and I wash them when I grow big.'
O that blank tomb without an epitaph?
I took my pencil stub and wrote this:
'If you go straight to North
you see the North Pole
and if you go straight to South
you see the South Pole
but beyond that I don't know? '

*The good shepherd is willing to die for the sheep! -(The New Testament)

nimal p.dunuhinga

nimal dunuhinga