Dr John Celes - Sonnet: God's Wisdom

2014-11-06 5

Never assume you're wise at any age;
Become a fool to gather wisdom then;
No one is wise in life at any stage;
Wisdom comes from the fear of God from heav'n.

Like King Solomon, ask God for wisdom;
God liberally gives to those who seek;
Only the fool believes in much freedom;
The one who's wise with good conduct is meek.

Knowledge isn't better than wisdom at all;
Oh, woe to those who're wise in their own eyes;
The pride of fools leads them to every fall;
The Holy Spirit teaches one be wise.

Wisdom from God can give success always;
Wisdom in excess grants heavenly gaze.

Copyright by Dr John Celes 5-11-2014

Dr John Celes


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