michael walkerjohn - Patriciate Lexicon

2014-11-06 3

All the world's words
fool's gold, or most quested wealth;
quagmire for humans
and precursor, to poor mental health;
cunningly used against foe
vulgar spue as vested spilth;
unbalanced as an ungurent
dispensed, as treasured dealth.

Unsung, oppungning, anomalist
parcel sense from intellect;
reeks of pedant individual
perchance, be spirit artilect;
bethinking apparition bleeds
consciousness of disrespect;
clearly wisdom's carper
only status, fatalist nonelect!

Mind, tweaked from words
result, souls with greater reason;
logic implies the use
thought, chimes a positive chanson;
wit, woos a versed tome
eremitic, yet ecstatic livraison;
joust with pen, a soul's demesure
conquer, every whoreson.

Such space, the pages once white
now scrolled sage gray;
locus, choice is shared port
for rampant thoughts convey;
parry please, pass proud pricked pens
plead point passe;
naif, defined versus wile of mind
review this poet's dossier.

Degree 360, round mind reels
ignoble enters caste purple;
adieu balance, fore awakened
are the masses of all sheeple;
pellucidity, fervor clears
as life's most vivid multiple;
patrician's plight triples
world, won on truth's scruples.

michael walkerjohn
