When first the Almighty Father's thought
Created man,-how wondrously
His virtue-giving spirit wrought
The mystic cords of Charity.
To live for others, and to know
No single, separate interests here;
To feel,-to soothe a brother's woe,
A brother's bliss to seek,-to share.
To scatter happiness o'er all-
To counsel,-pity,-or relieve:
To raise the weary-weak who fall,
And liberal, to lend,-to give.-
Such is the purpose, such the plan
For which our talents here were given;
For God created man for man;-
And earth would be as blest as heaven.
If such a heavenly fruit as this
Spread through the world its generous seed;
Then,-even woe itself were bliss-
And bliss would then be-bliss indeed.
John Bowring