Man To Willingly Get Eaten By An Anaconda

2014-11-05 17

Cameras will be rolling when filmmaker and nature lover Paul Rosolie gets swallowed up by an anaconda – on purpose.

Odds are if you’re watching a clip of somebody being eaten by an anaconda, it’s part of a movie and making it happen required of all sorts of props and special effects.

Filmmaker and wildlife expert Paul Rosolie, on the other hand, plans to get swallowed by the giant snake for real, with cameras there to capture it all.

Perhaps more shocking is that he’s doing it on purpose.

The Discovery Channel will be airing "Eaten Alive" at the beginning of December, showing Rosolie's attempt to be swallowed by an anaconda.

Prior to making himself an anaconda’s next meal, Rosolie will don a special suit likely designed to protect him against whatever the snake’s digestive process throws at him.

Whether or not it can spare him from any crushing grips that may occur is unknown.

There are very few details about the special, called ‘Eaten Alive’, available, but the specifics on what an adult anaconda can do are well documented.

For the snakes, which can grow up to 25 feet in length, enjoying a meal is often a two-part process.

It involves first squeezing their prey until it is either dead or unconscious and then swallowing it whole.