John McKay Withey - Freedom

2014-11-05 10

We walk with ease among the trees,
Feeling with delight, the gentle breeze.
Twenty long years, we dreamed of escape,
From the fear of murder, beatings and rape.

Never could we speak freely with a friend,
As the state was easy to offend.
Our thoughts of freedom we could not send
As listening ears the state would lend.

To send a letter, a dangerous task,
The authorities thought they were a mask,
For comrades who would like to try,
Freely to live, than captively die.

To speak in public was not allowed,
The police were nervous with a rebel crowd.
'An oppressive state', the speakers scorn,
'Hold your tongues', the police they warn.

Programmes censored from day to day,
Broadcasters limited in what they say.
Discussions about the state of the nation,
And the causes of rampant inflation.

And when the regime came crashing down,
The authorities could only frown.
Families kept apart for many years,
Showed determination through flowing tears.

But now together again are we,
We speak and read with thoughts so free.
Freedom can not be taken lightly,
Knowing that others are threatened nightly.

John McKay Withey