Bashyam Narayanan - Nudity, no vulgarity but some see divinity

2014-11-05 29

A remote village
In this part of the country
Is unique
As it has a woman
With no belongings
Including a shelter above her head
A robe over her body
Sun, rain or cold
She remains nude
Though, thought to be mad initially
Her worth came to light
Over these years
She has no civilized look
With unattended and clogged hair
Falling along her shoulders
Upto her waist
No cleaning of her body
No brushing of her teeth
She nurses no skin ailments
She is neither bad smelling
She asks for food
And accepts whatever given
She eats only once in a day
She is at present seen as god
People worship her
Reaching her from far and wide
But she registers no happenings around
She talks gentle
She is not going to temples
She also knows not
That people are worshipping her
People have a lot good to say about her
She just smears the sacrd ash
On the forehead of those who bow before her
She listens to their problems
But, difintely looking blank
With apparent disregard
Irrespective of their nature and extent
At the end of it all
She will say what is going to happen
Without any emotion
She demonstrates that she is nothing special
And adds things are so with her
As nature wanted that way
In her nudity
People see no vulgarity
But sense divinity

Bashyam Narayanan