Loyd C. Taylor - Ode To A Thief

2014-11-05 24

He is just a common thief,
And now he must pay;
His wicked deeds bring him,
Condemned to die today.

He had cheated and looted,
Wronged many men;
His wretched life stops today,
A cross shall pay his sin.

Guilty of his transgression,
Deserving of this bed;
Though he feared not the dying,
But the damnation ahead.

For surely Hell would be his fate,
Fires’ torment soon would start;
Punished for his wickedness,
And such a blackened heart!

But this ONE dying near him,
Was oh so different than he;
His eyes revealed compassion,
He spoke mercifully.

The thief cried out from his cross;
“Man just what crime did you do? ”
Then Jesus whispered weakly;
“Today friend, I die for you! ”

“But, how will You die for me,
Just who are you anyway? ”
“I AM the Lamb of God,
Your sin debt I came to pay.”
“How may I receive pardon? ”
The thief begged repentantly.
“Forgiveness is truly yours
If you simply will believe.”

“It’s true, you are the Savior,
Given thus to die for me...
Oh LORD I need your mercy,
LAMB of GOD… remember me! ”

Then Jesus spoke to the thief,
“Mercy has covered your price,
And I now say unto thee…
I’ll meet you in PARADISE! ”

Written by L C Taylor March 22,2008

Loyd C. Taylor
