Ages wane and waves crash,
Seasons change and storms roll,
Still my love remains keenly abash
As my heart does evermore loll.
As boundless as universal medium,
As endless as times blatant poach,
Yet ill-regarded within whoredom
Is my equilibrant approach.
Still your smile begs the alter,
And your jestings break staleness.
Could you possibly be the redeemer?
Within dimmed light, I dream,
Your soft skin touches mine;
Your words flow in endless stream;
And you seduce me by design.
As the sun breaks this reverie,
I am reminded of my lover’s lot.
Romance and moonlight fancy
Were never mine to be sought.
Yet your eyes glisten as candlelight,
And allude to complete desire.
Could you possibly be the redeemer?
As the night’s dark magic enfolds
Your passion drunkens me solely.
Heavenly light bears all to behold
As moonlight tickles every curve daftly.
Your hair flows as a satin dress
Over your naked body chastely.
My breath yields to your loving excess,
And my heart raptures completely.
Seconds to lifetimes, nights to eons;
Soulful glance to unifying embrace.
Could you possibly be the redeemer?
Existing so long without love,
I now taste Juliette’s wine upon my lips.
Has Karma finally sent my redeemer?
Robert L. Bixler III