You came into my life like a rainbow
after the storms of my life had subsided for a while
but did not promise that the rain would not start again.
You came like a shooting star in my darkest nights
but did not promise that a dark night would not return
and I had find myself wishing on us and on better days.
You became like the eye of the storm
and I did find shelter in you
but you did not promise that the storm would subside
and I reached out for you hot rays
and wished for you to prevail
and found myself having visions of tomorrow
that lasted as long as I believe.
You came into my life
and gave me a reason to wakeup in the morning
when you did become my morning rays
giving a blink into tomorrow
that might be the hope of something
that just might be.
If I do believe in rainbows, shooting stars
and every bright sunrise.
love will prevail.
Daleen Enslinstrydom