Dr.V.K. Kanniappan - Remembrances of our family doctor

2014-11-05 2

Our family doctor was Dr.Panicker,
T.Ramakrishna Panicker,
His diagnosis used to be sharper!

He used to do a few laboratory tests
Then and there with his test kits,
He was an expert in treating us for ever!

He used to treat free for the poor,
He used to comfort us whomsoever,
He controlled the disease to be over!

He mostly dispensed us mixtures,
He never sent us to distant cities
And referred rarely to higher centers;

He charged his fees only very meagre,
Disease for which we approached him
In no time used to disappear;

Remembrances of our family doctor
who was our beloved savior
remain in our mind for ever!

Dr.V.K. Kanniappan
