Hebert Logerie - Great Poets

2014-11-05 16

Oh! My God
We’ve seen too many great Poets
A jillion of them who have been so sad
For years. Great parrots, great Patriots
Who never had a chance to shine
To speak, and to express their fine
Sentiments and strange opinions
The Champions
Who fell asleep very late
And who’ve missed their fate.

Great Poets
Who speak like moppets/muppets
Do not be afraid to speak
You are brave for God’s sake
You are better than you can imagine
You speak from the heart
And you pour your spleen
On the floor, where a good part
Of your soul is diagnosed
And publicly exposed.

Oh! My God
A gazillion of famous and unknown Poets
Are incarcerated with the puppets
And the butterflies of the last cloud
Listen to the Champions
Who are not afraid to show emotions
To speak from the heart
And to die from a deadly dart.

Hebert Logerie
