Azriel Dreams - Dear Other Half When You Exist.

2014-11-05 7

I need not explain how I found you, because you have walked the exact same way towards me. I need not tell you how I witness your beauty, because you speak the same language.

I need not explain the depth of my soul, because you've sat with me in the centre of our depth. I need not tell you about the freedom of our speech, because we are not chained by our words.

I need not tell you about the tenderness of touch, because we have both held butterflies in our hands. I need not tell you about the magic of a whisper, because we have listened with our souls.

I need not explain to you what darkness looks like, because we've taken each other out of there before. I need not tell you how it feels to step into the light, because we've both bathed in brightness when the light faded in.

I need not tell you about the importance of a single second, because we have tasted the sweetness of lasting and the bitterness of not long enough..

I need not tell you about stillness, because in our stillness has been the deepest, most powerful movement. I need not tell you about power, because we know that power is not in strength, but in truth and knowing. I need not tell you about us, because we are real. I need not tell you about love, because love is what has grown from the inside.

I need not tell you anything, because we know everything. But I want to explore with you the depths and tints of our life together.


Azriel Dreams