hasmukh amathalal - Same love daily

2014-11-05 2

We are together since childhood
I was put up in neighborhood
Almost five decades together
We ate from same plate and drank water

Even today when I visit home town
Friends rush to see of their own
We sit late night and talk endless
The happiness reflects on face

Our talk covers
All naughtiness'
Beating of innocent students
And trouble tactics to nearby tenants

The study was given so much importance
We had no light to study and feared ghost's appearance
But were fire brand and cared for nothing
Night time we used to go to crematorium for talking

Each year we meet
And with joy greet
The love remains same
The attachment automatically comes

I remain delighted
When program is dated
Each day passes with anxiety
We all meet with same love daily

hasmukh amathalal
