madhumitha murali - I have a life

2014-11-04 20

I have a life;
A life to be something;
A life to craft something;
A life to share my bliss;
Share my sorrow;
Of course Life, you are a challenge;

Crossing your barriers;
Entourage myself;
I will on and on ahead;
Spread my wings;
Soaring amidst caring people;
Standing against other relative to;

Your experience;
Matures me;
Makes me iron rod;
That is used to meld others;
To give it due shape;
Upon younger ones;
Caring for them;

I was melded by you life;
At the instances thrown upon;

Life you are playful;
And life's to be played;
With due vigour;
Cause vigour transforms you;
Makes one optimistic;
It is how I see you life;
Others may not agree;
Not by latitude all;

Life you are a blessing;
A reserviour of knowledge;
That facilitates learning on continum.

madhumitha murali