Oh sour balsamic vinegar
Sorry to offend your liking,
But you fail in comparison
Yes you do, yes you do!
To fresh juice squeezed from an organic lemon.
You are always a second runner up
To my godly given taste buds.
For God's hands forged each lemon
From the sunshine of His heart
And gifted it to the well being of humanity.
In run of the mill restaurants,
Like the Olive Gardens, and the McDonalds,
Each time I order a bowl of greens
Balsamic vinaigrette masquerades as lemon flavour,
And in its heart of heart it wished it were
The essence of a fresh squeezed lemon instead!
Never have I witnessed olive oil suffering such distress,
When it is mixed with balsamic vinegar
Instead of real lemon juice,
To bring back the Sun's essence
From my Mediterranean heritage,
And jump-start the body's cell repairs
Back to health and wellbeing,
And to cleanse my palate
From the taste all processed junk food,
That goes against every grain in my culinary.
In today's world, it is very difficult to escape,
From cardboard fast food offerings
Except on weekends, when in my kitchen
I am the king of my banquet,
And I spare no effort on feasting
On salads made from fresh organic ingredients,
And their essence are obtained
From freshly squeezed lemon juice
Mixed with first cold press extra virgin olive oil,
And their taste Is heavenly inspired
As if both the lemons and the olives,
Came from the Garden of Eden
Before the great fall of Adam and Eve,
Copyright Leaking Pen 2011
Nov 2 2011
Rev Nov 4 2014
Leaking Pen