Lockheed F-35 fighter jets make smooth landing at sea in maiden flight

2014-11-04 554

Lockheed Martin's F35C fighter jet makes it's first ever landing on an aircraft carrier-on day one of a 14-day test period for the U.S Navy's newest plane

The jet, one of two being tested, landed successfully on the USS Nimitz off the coast of San Diego on Monday - marking a major milestone for the F35 program that's been plagued by delays and cost overruns.


"It's a great day and a very important milestone for the entire joint strike fighter program and for the international partners that are either in the program of record and interested in buying this aircraft, or a variant of the F35 or are considering it. Watching us doing this and doing it in a very methodical way and bring this aboard an aircraft carrier I think is a good message to everybody that this is a very capable jet and something that everyone should be very excited about."

The program is part of the Pentagon's multibill

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