QueenPatrenia Turner, Royalty Ph.d. Queen Of England - Queen Patrenialla - Part Three Continued

2014-11-04 5

Troy and Trenia they are sometimes called
Are thankful to each one of you to everyone and to all
The two of them and some of the others from
England's House Of Turner The Royal Family have done
Reconstructed England to make it a good home!
And now this you can trust, and you can also believe
It is not a good practice to voluntarily deceive!
The Christian Rites and The Clearform Rites
Will someday be seen in broad daylights
Perhaps, when it is safe - To reveal their true race!
At this point, I will end This Patrenialla Queen story poem case
For Keeng Royalness Troyius Turner And Queen Royalty Patrenias
Turner - England's Keeng And Queen these days!

The End Of This Story Poem

QueenPatrenia Turner, Royalty Ph.d. Queen Of England
