bob barci - Hey Kids

2014-11-04 11

Hey kids
gather round,
I've got something to tell you all.
Pretty soon I'll be going away
never to see your faces again.
Not for awhile, anyway.
I wonder if you realize
the change in me you've made.
You know, I feel like a papa to you.
It makes me sad just knowin' that I'll be leaving.
Why did I ever want to come here?
I knew this would happen.
Don't turn away to play.
I may not get the chance to see your laughing faces again.
How I wish you were all mine
and I could take you home.
But that doesn't matter
because you are my own, just the same.
To steal a line from Stevie Wonder -
you are the sunshine of my life.
But night is falling and I can't bear the cold.
each star bears your likeness and keeps me warm.
Come and let me see the sun burning in your faces.
How sad it would be to see the sun die.
My eyes would turn red forever.
Keep that sun burning bright.
Fill me with the innocence
I lost long ago.
I don't know of any way
to tell you much I've grown to love you.

dedicated to the Putney Day Care Center, Putney, Vermont

bob barci