Lawrence S. Pertillar - Genuine The Gift

2014-11-04 2

I heard this said.
As I sat to be dismissed:
'I make my own decisions.
Decisions I make as my own life is lived,
There is no one I need to discuss this with.'

I heard this said,
As my ambitions were ignored:
'I don't know why you crave,
To be independent and establish your own business.
When other options you should explore.'

I heard this said,
From someone I thought I loved:
'I think of you as a friend.
Nothing more than that,
Could I possibly adore...
Or believe between us can begin.'

And one day I heard this from myself.
To believe it to repeat it.
Like nothing else before I had never deeply felt:
'Stop wasting to drop tears.
Genuine the gift you are.
Genuine your gift is.
Get over those who dismiss it.
And don't be so willing to give it away.
Be patient one day someone will earn it.
And love between you two,
Will be there to share 'and' forever displayed.'

I heard that said and from within my head:
'Genuine the gift you are.
Genuine your gift is.
If given to anyone freely,
Taken for granted it will always be.
Priceless keep your milk.'

'How priceless is a cow,
That gives up milk for free? '
I am a bull.
At least I see that from my perspective.
'I'm applying an analogy here.'
I get it.

Lawrence S. Pertillar