Shanika marini Paul - ode to enmity

2014-11-04 15

Ode To Enmity

When life seems to empty it's final grains,
When life seeks for sunshine's reigns
When the shadow of death seems to follow one's steps;
I tell thee look up for thou art blessed.

When thy wealth and fortune is stripped,
When thy name is innocent yet weeps,
When thy child looks upon thy tears;
I tell thee look up or the Lord doth hear.

When thy brother cries upon the death of his son,
When thy sister doth tell you 'life is done'
Ode to Enmity

When thy mother forsakes the pain and tears;
I tell thee look up the Lord is here.

When pain and torture doth win the day,
When man who prays yet/puts thy name a shame,
When he doth realize he laughed at him self
I tell thee awake God hath with him dealt

Smile oh! friend embrace the day!
Shower thy self with the joy's play,
Bless thy creator
Praise his name!
Love thy enemy!
Fr he will be shamed.
His jealousy is thy foundation!
Build thee thy throne!
I say thee strive though man is blind to see,
Thy talent and power
God hath blessed thee

Copy rights: Poet Shanika Marini Paul
U/graduate BA English(OUSL) , ADIE(UK) , ACIE(OUSL) , DIP; AMI/PSY(CAMBRIDGE) Trained Teacher(IMSD)

Shanika marini Paul