If you opt to think, act or speak wrong,
it is not the mistake of another
it is but a crime against your own opportunity;
if you choose to believe you were righteous
in deciding others deserved your dis-respect,
they have no power of an engine
to halt your misjudgment about them;
but if you have the flexibility to re-arrange
your conclusions, your conflicts,
your cells will re-breathe
the venom of thought will be expelled,
the new adaptability will encourage you
to regrow, as a blessing to others;
go, get reborn as a forgiver……
of your own self and of your own deceit
for you had destroyed the rising of others
and of your own self, without equity;
you had vanquished the glory
others deserved from their own existence
while you discarded your own aura;
wrong evaluations are the worst illusions
let them perish just like the rainbow colors
that vanish after displaying its transiency;
the truth of life is honor
honor to oneself and honor to another;
if you cannot promise to value respect for humanity
go get re-born to re-generate your victories
or exit as a loser from the bosom of this universe.
Bernedita Rosinha Pinto