Chris Cariad - A Reverse in Environment

2014-11-03 7

Being stuck on this earth,
is probably the worst punishment,
an angel like myself could receive.
This powerlessness to end this hurt and pain of humanity.
Being forced to walk this road,
to see what has become of my rebellion.
How was I supposed to know
my Creator was just in His authority?
It’s all but too late now,
I constantly see the horrors that awaited me,
for my crimes.
Men are covering themselves in the blood of children.
God’s chosen people,
chained and slaughtered.
Millions dying of hunger and fear.
All of creation, producing gods of money, materialism, and drugs.
People worshiping their fellow man,
and lusting after their idols.
Like a beautiful, pure,
child chasing after a butterfly.
It sickens me to see such a society grow.
They wanted this world.
I am more than happy to oblige them.
See, these people are at the gates of hell,
just trying to break in.
Few are telling them no.
But, I will stand back and watch them.
Watch them
enter their eternal home.

Chris Cariad