The PYD undertakes the task of intimidate the pious Kurdish people in Kobane. The PKK turned the majority of youth in Southeast Anatolia into atheists

2014-11-03 2

Adnan Oktar: My mothers cannot find relief, my children are not in peace there, and my brothers are not in security. My Kurdish mothers are living in horror. America sent those filthy ones there to intimidate the religious people, to eradicate the pious ones. They carry out that insane atheist propaganda, that irreligious propaganda in Southeast Anatolia. In return, a great majority of the youth have turned out to be atheists. And there are devout believers in Kobani. My mothers fled from their wickedness. Where did they come? They came to Turkey. Who protected them? Turkey. If the PYD were looking out for them, they would go and take shelter in those people. They would go to Kandil. But they came close to their true protectors. Their true guardians, true beloved ones. They sought refugee in their mothers, fathers and in security and peace.

The PYD are the mercenaries of America. Those are the gendarme forces of America, their hired soldiers. And my Kurdish brothers hate these filthy ones and the Turkish nation also loathes them. Yet, despite America being aware of their nastiness, they give support to the PYD with the utmost effort knowing those ones intend to destroy the religion of Islam. That is a grave immorality, an awful impropriety. Normally, Americans dislike such types. America loathes them as if they were grime; but, they are in need of this filth just to eradicate Muslim people. They either bring in those hired murderers, or take these filthy ones into their service to spread that horror.

Also they claim there is a defense in Kobani. They don’t think properly or else I cannot explain the case. Let us look at the map again. These are odd ones; they still keep Kobani on the agenda. Kobani is only a minor province; it would not matter if you are present there or not. The entire region is under the control of ISIS in its entirety. ISIS has seized 90% of the region under PKK domination. Now ISIS took possession of all the Kurdish villages.

-  We can show the map.

Adnan Oktar: See that these places you see in grey color are where ISIS is intensively dominant. Previously, the PKK was commanding here. They seized this region thoroughly. The area in yellow here is where the PKK is prevailing. Yet, since they have divided this region from the halfway point, into three, and ISIS has left the spot in the middle symbolically. They do not take hold of this place for military reasons, for a known purpose. I do not want to describe that in detail. Yet, it has already seized 40 percent of the perimeter of that small area known as Kobani. ISIS has taken hold of the governmental buildings and every corner. Here it is seen where they have occupied. Those areas with the banners show where ISIS has taken over. And they are very meticulous in the interior regions not to give harm to the civilians since the PKK is using civilians as shield inside the houses. If ISIS had attacked there, they could have targeted the children and the mothers. For that reason, they are waiting, holding back. Yet, the entire region is in hands of ISIS already. They only abstain from any harm or loss of children.

Do you know what the major problem is in these PKK communists, with these murderers? Arrogance, pride and that is why the PKK is quivering to save its pomposity. Out loud saying Kobani. You have already handed over 90% of the area to ISIS. Now they make claims for it. You have already surrendered, only your ears have remained out and they will ask for it also. They play with your ears just like monkeys. You are caged, but still insist you won’t give way. You are defeated and parted into two regions on both sides. They will exhaust both of these, and I tell them to flee to save their lives or come and take refugee in the Turkish state. Now let us see that map.

-   They have remained only in the middle.

Adnan Oktar: That is all. Look at the previous map, the total region. They only resist only in a small region right in the middle. ISIS would tear them to shreds if they willed. But they do not want a single child or a woman to be killed. Look with attention. In all the cold-blooded murders of the PKK, children were martyred. Photographs of hundreds and thousands of children were published in newspapers then. Mothers and young girls, they were all martyred. Since the PKK has no faith in God and His Book, the PKK is ruthless and reckless. But ISIS consists of faithful youngsters, but they are surely in polytheism and making wrong moves. They interpret Islam in error, and that is why they resort to violence. Yet, at all circumstances, they are scrupulous on children and women. Otherwise, they would scatter the PKK about. Now they have moved forward and left this minor region only. This is because they move attentively. They have made the PKK fall on their face; there are photos of these. Their digestive system has gone sick, these are hundreds of PKK terrorists. It is disgusting, they have ruine