CGR Undertow - Observations and Frustrations with BARBIE for NES

2014-11-03 2

Barbie video feature. Shop CGR shirts & mugs! Barbie video feature. Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow video feature on Barbie for the Nintendo Entertainment System developed by Imagineering, Inc. and published by Hi Tech Expressions. Barbie may be a legendary toy, but her video game record is pretty spotty. Emphasis on pretty, though, because Barbie always looks good. Well, except for that one time she was in an NES game. Barbie is a notorious NES platformer known for its bizarre design and head-scratching difficulty. Barbie dreams she’s battling possessed clothing in a shopping mall—we can’t make this up—and using pet animals to defeat them. Like we said, this one’s a head scratcher. The game’s color use isn’t for the easily queasy, by the way, and the in-game mall clearly made some questionable wallpaper choices. Barbie is only a single-player experience on the NES. This video feature features video gameplay footage of Barbie for the Nintendo Entertainment System and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.