She rises early before the sun
Awesome wonder at what God has done
Before the birds and bees to flower run
With God she has had her sacred fun
She loves Him with her whole heart
From Him knows she’ll never depart
This love she felt from the very start
And asked Him to guard her heart
She knows not what things lie ahead
But worships God with prayer instead
Kneeling day and night beside her bed
As she sought Him to protect her head
She was never sure what’s in store
But in her God she felt very secure
Treasure she carried was all so pure
Her price so precious she was sure
As she enters her choice prayer place
The smile she imagined upon His face
She knew ‘twas only by God’s grace
That she could be a woman in the race
With glory and praise she ponders to gaze
In eyes of a friend who never cease to amaze
She thanks worships and scatters His praise
If you should see her your hat you will raise.
Gladys Brown Prince