James B. Earley - Ebola Terror...Seems….The Hypocrites' Hope

2014-11-03 7

Congress again..disingenuously finagling
…Health scare crisis….its sinister joke
Ebola..politics'….most recent hobgoblin
…Inciting terror seems..the Hypocrites' hope

'Incompetency'...accusation's..chant of the hour
..Vociferous per the usual...notorious suspects
Yet arrogantly ignoring that blatant incompetency
Their bigotry opposition consistently reflects

‘Tis demented philosophy..appearing ill-wishing
…Same worn…old path…its historically led
Radically unhinged…..the resultant mentality
…When it comes to wishing…fellow citizens dead

Pathetic the folly…of long-treacherous behavior
……Devoid…of a rational….readiness to cope
Ebola..the moment's………hobgoblin of choice
…Might spiteful reality….be the Hypocrite's hope

Author's Note:
'Is there a genuine health concern over Ebola? Absolutely - it is a horrendous and virulent disease. But, like many other diseases across the developing world, it is a social and economic problem as much as it is an epidemiological one. By playing on this pseudo-racist rhetoric that isolates, demonizes, and excludes the people most vulnerable to the spread of Ebola in West Africa, we only work to further ensure the long and miserable trajectory of this most recent epidemic.'
~Mario Machado - Contributor, Huffington Post - 20 October 2014

James B. Earley
