India involve in Wagah Border Blast in Pakistan

2014-11-02 490

A suicide blast close to the Pakistan-India border has killed at least 55 people and left more than 150 wounded, police have told Al Jazeera.

The explosion took place at the Wagah border crossing near Lahore. It happened at the end of a daily flag-lowering ceremony as people were moving back to their cars.

The bomber set off his explosives at a security checkpoint outside the parade area, and about 500 meters from the actual border, the director general of the Punjab Rangers, Tahir Khan, said.

Khan added that it was a "success" that the Rangers had been able to stop the attacker at the checkpoint, as he had been seeking entry into the actual parade area, where scores of people were seated.

"The blast has taken place about 500-600 feet from the parade venue ... people were standing there and many people were leaving there at the time," Khan told reporters.

"When the bomber saw that there was very strict checking at the security checkpoint, he decided to detonate his explosives as he began to pass through it."

The Rangers are a paramilitary force that is responsible for border security at Wagah.

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