Heaven & Hell and Alarming Rapture - Pastor Hyun Sook Na (Heaven and Hell Testimony)

2014-10-30 14

South Korean Pastor Hyun Sook Na has been visiting heaven and hell for the last 20 years. In this testimony she tells a little about what she has been shown and she urges the church to live a sanctified life, because He is coming soon!

She saw Jesus actually opened the sixth seal in September 2012. So seals it was written in the book of Revelation has been opened from the first one to sixth one. The next seal will be opened is the seventh seal.

In Rev 8:1 "When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour." She found out Jesus coming for the rapture of the church during time of half an hour in the museum of heaven. When Jesus opens the seventh seal, antichrist also will appear.

The rapture of the church will happen anytime soon. Only holy and righteous brides will get raptured. In order to get rapture, we need robes. Not only we need the gowns of the salvation, we also need robe of righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10) It is time to repent sincerely daily basis and pray continuously. Love Jesus with all your heart. Keep in the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

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