Accepting to separation and releasing terrorist organization PKK’s leader Ocalan would mean turning Turkey into hell

2014-10-30 14

We are against anything that could lead to division.

-  And he says that Ocalan [jailed leader of PKK terrorist organization] should be released.

Adnan Oktar: No, it won’t happen. That would mean a general amnesty, an unconditional one. And that won’t happen.

- He says that, ‘This should be done considering the psychology of people. First, the negotiation conditions should be relaxed. We should talk to him face to face, find out what he thinks. And then Turkey should make gradual steps to release him.’

Adnan Oktar: No, it will not happen. His release would amount to the end of Turkey. It would completely strip Turkey of its dignity, its honor. It would mean that Turkey is defeated by the PKK and that Turkey accepts being divided. It would mean that we did not want honor and dignity. It would mean that we accept that we are no human. And since something like that will not happen, since we will not allow anyone to insult our honor and dignity like that, we will not let this happen even if it means that we will die and come back a thousand times. Whoever attempts to do something crazy like that, they will truly regret it. They should not imagine dividing Turkey, they should forget about that. I do not know what [columnist] Oral Çalışlar  thinks, but we will not accept something like that.

-  And during the same program, Orhan Miroğlu suggested that Ocalan should be put on house arrest as a first step and then after disarmament is ensured, he should be given political freedom.

Adnan Oktar: Never in a million years. If he were released, they would immediately kill him anyway. They [families of martyrs] would never allow him to walk free. That place is the safest place for him and the state is taking care of him well. In that island, he lives there comfortably. He has doctors, health-care officials, cooks and everything for his own.

I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan; God says in a verse that He will make some tyrants take down some other tyrants: ‘In this way, We make some evildoers have power over others because of their misdeeds.’ (Surat al-An’am 29). ‘...because of their misdeeds’, so they are so cruel and so oppressive, the whole earth is filled with their tyranny. God says ‘...We make some evildoers have power over others’. At the moment this verse is coming true. Releasing Abdullah Ocalan would mean Turkey considering itself non-existent. It would mean that there is no country such as Turkey. It would mean us accepting that we are destroyed, that we are shattered. It would mean that Turkey was turned into a hell.

-  [Opposition leader] Kılıçdaroğlu was on a live program tonight and he talked about general amnesty and said that if  society wanted something like that, it could be considered. But he also said that given the circumstances today, it would not be right to talk about it. 

- Did Kılıçdaroğlu say that? Then he was wrong.

Kılıçdaroğlu should not be afraid of the PKK, he should put his trust in God. God destroyed the PKK and will continue to destroy them even more.  There is no need for such worry. They [opposition] were speaking like this before because they were intimidated by the power of the PKK. Now, God humiliated the PKK, God turned them into a bag of fleas. The PKK is completely terrified of ISIS and other Islamic organizations, shaking like a scared cat. Wherever they see them, their reaction is the same.

The PKK is a vile organization that martyred our mothers, our sisters, our children, our sons. The YPG/PYG is a bunch of murderers, killers, who are continuing with the vile ways of the PKK. And they hate the Turkish army, the Turkish nation. They shoot, or attempt to shoot Turkish soldiers wherever they see them. How can we trust their words? We will not do that just because Europe wants it. We will live only if we can with our honor. If we do not have our honor, then as a whole nation, we are ready to become martyrs. We are not saying we have to live no matter what. They should not misunderstand us. We never said that we would live at all costs. We want to live only if it is with our honor, only if we live for God. Otherwise we do not have to live. Then I do not want live. Then I would want to be a martyr. I would not accept such a thing. No one would accept such a thing. No one in our nation would accept something like that. They should stop trying to force it.

Just because the Europe wants it? The Europe hates the Turkish people. Turkish people go to the Europe with their visas and passports, and they are insulted there. Europeans do not want to even see them. They do not want to even hear the name Turk. That is why they do not want them to be in Anatolia either. They want to evacuate Anatolia completely. They believe that Christians should live there because many Christian holy sites are situated in Turkey and that disturbs them greatly. There are so

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