Do Not Take RFID Chip! The Mark of the Beast - Elvi Zapata

2014-10-30 2

There will be great earthquake and mega tsunami soon. The goverment declars the martial law. And the antichrist will appear. Then the government will ask to have RFID chip in your body. Do not take RFID chips. Then the rapture of the church will happen. After the rapture, the tribulation will start. Antichrist continue to push to have people on this RFID chips which is the mark of the beast. If you take the mark of the beast, you can not go to heaven. If you are left behind, you have to refuse this chips. I pray that everybody who watch this video to get raptured.

Attention: I guess someone get confused about pets going to heaven. In my opinion, animal dies and disappears because they don't have spirits. I believe if you love your pets and pray for safety of him/her, I believe God will provide the protection after rapture and God will provide replica in heaven. There are so many testimonies that many animals/pets in heaven!

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