Tomb Raider (2013) - 3D First Impressions (2D version)

2014-10-30 25

This video is available in 3D:

After a multi-month streak of exclusively-VR gaming, it's time to get back to a few 3D titles that have been on the back burner for some time, starting with Tomb Raider 2013, a game that's so far surprised me into wanting to play it more and more.

Using Tridef Ignition for the stereoscopic 3D in this video, Tomb Raider runs smooth, has no issues and looks freaking great. The gameplay has its weaknesses but overall it's a plus in the overall title and it's immensely varied.

The video was made using the full-out setup with one camcorder showing the stereoscopic output from the LG 27in monitor. Best watched in 3D, of course. Apologies for the ghostly white halo around my head I did not realize the camera had the spotlight pointed right at it like that. Also the monitor shots aren't to par. I'll frame everything better for the next one :-)