Boston Tsunami, Heaven, Jesus and True Repentance - Elvi Zapata in Lord's Hour

2014-10-29 1

This is from the Lord's Hour on October 13, 2014. Elvi Zapata had a vision of the tsunami in Boston. He also taken to heaven recently and saw Jesus and the Father God. God told him Elvi Zapata is one of the prophet for the end times. He knew that Efrain Rodriguez is one of them too. Jesus asked the Father God for one more chance. God gave us for one more chance. That means we are living the truly end times. It is time to repent! If you don’t repent daily, your sins are accumulating which makes you to separate from God. If you haven’t repent seriously in the past, I recommend you for three days of repentance. If you can pray with fasting, it could be much better.

Why three days? Jonah was in the belly of big fish for 3 days. First, it is symbolized the resurrection of Jesus Christ after 3 days of death. Second, God wants us to pray and fast like Jonah for 3 days for the true repentance. We learn the lessons from Jonah how to repent. Are you still struggling with sins? Do you want to spiritually advance? It is time to fast and pray like Jonah!

After you repent your sins for 3 days, repent your sins every day. If you make a sin from now on, repent it immediately. And try to avoid the sins as much as possible! Surrender all to Jesus! Ask God to be filled by the Holy Spirit! Ask God to love Jesus with all your heart! Jesus is coming!

Before His coming, there will be God’s Judgment will come. There will be great earthquake, asteroid, and tsunami. The solution for earthquake and tsunami is not underground bunkers in the deep mountain. The solution is the JESUS CHRIST! Jesus is the ONLY ANSWER!

To watch full message of Elvi Zapata for this message!

This is the Lord's Hour, blogtalkradion on October 13, 2014.

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