Pintu Mahakul - New Beam

2014-10-29 16

The weak can never forgive for wrong.
Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong
If we commit mistakes, we ask to forgive
There is nothing wrong, Earth does give.

On which we fly we do never feel shy
We tell her that we swim in river sky.
She feels everything as people here say
Through her voice she wins sun's ray.

She remains silent, still bells the ring.
People say that she is likely to sing.
One in this universe among all actors,
Again we say she nicely acts for factors,

The sky spreads shadow for lovely charts
Shadow now brings thrill in many hearts,
In big screen this colourful view is seen,
It does not matter at all it is wide or thin.

Her nourishment no way does harass us,
So sweet her voice is we feel sweet thus.
Time she does not cry obeys God's law
Come on oh people feel truth and bow.

Pintu Mahakul