Who are they have forgotten you?
Who do not believe are they few?
Gray and black or green and blue
For reading minds there is no clue.
Father you see we are all together
Eating bread we sit near brother.
Thread you have tied is of strong,
Perfectly we can walk without wrong.
Storms or cyclones may come many
But in our minds there is only honey.
Forgetting the knock of death at door,
Still we run behind matters many more.
Running behind mirage and wealth
We spoil time values also the health.
Through which many fall in sin count
Due to cause they do unable to mount.
Increase of sins diminish values more,
As like as pollution even in sea shore.
To wash out make pure God you come
One day as per your promise bring norm.
With love you teach us many with care,
We arrange all gathering a spiritual fare.
Sweet children you call us we sing glory
To bring Golden Age God you tell story.
Pintu Mahakul