Tonight in the fine company of my porcelain
figurines brought to the study and ranged
around my computer amongst fine crystal
containers, the music of Nodame Cantabile
playing through my earphones, rosy flowers
and pink scarves for ambiance
Two miniature mermaids carrying urns, another
pair slightly larger, one mermaid playing violin -
she's a symbol of my sis, the other mermaid
seated next to a light-house - a symbol of me,
all indolence - fairy folk on the window-sill, I'm
wearing a pink top to blend in while staring
At the windows hung with crystal strings, sea-
shells, small pearls; my favourite porcelain doll
with fairy wings wearing a white flower wreath
draped in shiny pink silk - I feel like a small
creature in a secret underwater cave, a private
wonder-world of music, colour and words…
[3 October 2014]
Margaret Alice Second